R – Optimizing performance of large ASP.NET applications


I'm building a asp.net web application with lots and lots of controls and huge volumes of data. My application is very slow and it is taking a large amount of time to load the data into the .net controls like grid, tree view etc. I also have some ajaxified pages and controls in my application. I want to reduce the page load time in each postbacks.

What are the standards/best practices to be followed while developing large asp.net applications?

Thank you.


Best Answer

  • Cache certain data, either in the application or in the database (thus breaking normalization but it's okay)

  • Retrieve the minimum subset of data you really need. Don't pull 10000 records from the database into a grid to only display 50. Query for exactly 50.

  • Mimimize the amount of server controls and dynamic markup creation. Replace what you can with passive HTML elements.

  • Switch off the view state, which can potentially expand pages to many megabytes in size. Pull the data from the database on each request (in combination with caching strategies).