Google-maps – Options for Google Maps over SSL

google mapshttpsiframessl

We recently discovered that the Google Maps API does not play nicely with SSL. Fair enough, but what are some options for overcoming this that others have used effectively?

Will the Maps API work over SSL (HTTPS)?

At this time, the Maps API is not
available over a secure (SSL)
connection. If you are running the
Maps API on a secure site, the browser
may warn the user about non-secure
objects on the screen.

We have considered the following options

  1. Splitting the page so that credit card collection (the requirement for SSL) is not on the same page as the Google Map.
  2. Switching to another map provider, such as Virtual Earth. Rumor has it that they support SSL.
  3. Playing tricks with IFRAMEs. Sounds kludgy.
  4. Proxying the calls to Google. Sounds like a lot of overhead.

Are there other options, or does anyone have insight into the options that we have considered?

Best Answer

I'd agree with the previous two answers that in this instance it may be better from a usability perspective to split the two functions into separate screens. You really want your users to be focussed on entering complete and accurate credit card information, and having a map on the same screen may be distracting.

For the record though, Virtual Earth certainly does fully support SSL. To enable it you simple need to change the script reference from http:// to https:// and append &s=1 to the URL, e.g.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>