R – Oracle : Use two different versions of EXP on the same machine


i have a server (HP-UX) installed with Oracle 10g and several databases on it.

I've been asked to make dumps from these tables for a Oracle 8i database. In order to do this, i need to use the 8i version of the EXP (export) tool of Oracle.

It is still installed on my server but when i want to use it, i get the following error :

EXP-00056: ORACLE error 12705 encountered
ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

I presume some files are missing or maybe one of the folder is not in the PATH but i can't find and i really don't want to break the 10g installation.

Someone knows how to do ?


Best Answer

Install a 10G client on another system, without modifying the 8I database server, and connect from the client to the 8I database. Use the export utilities on the client to generate the export file.