R – ORMs that generate database structures from classes


I have looked at NHibernate and EntitySpaces and they both seem to work differently.

In EntitySpaces, you define the database tables and table relationships and the classes are generated for you.

In NHibernate, you define the classes and the table relationships are generated for you. This is what I am looking for.

Are there any other ASP.NET ORMs that generate tables from classes like NHibernate?
Any recommendations?

Best Answer

This is something that NHibernate does.

And on the subject (that Draemon) started. My personal view is that unless performance is your absolute 1st priority and all other things must suffer to make that happen (e.g. when writing software for a manufacturing fab), you will be better off working on the domain model first.

My reasoning: you spend a lot more time coding against the domain than you do against the database itself -- especially when using an orm. So spend that time wisely.