Go – os.GetEnv() dosen’t work after set env variable


I have the case dosen't work function


I have set a variable in my system ADDR="" trought file .bashrc and .profile. So if I open terminal and type below command, I get good result

$ echo $ADDR

Why in below very simply program I get Error if variable is correct set in system ?

func main(){
    addr := os.Getenv("ADDR")
    if addr == "" {
        return errors.New("missing addres")

I also restarted IDE a many times. Tried write in terminal again

$ env ADDR=""

but still this same effect.

Best Answer

I think the problem is likely that you are not exporting the variable, so the sub process (i.e. you ide, shell, is not getting it).

ADDR="" go run main.go


export ADD=""
go run main.go