Ruby-on-rails – Paperclip Error: NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError


I've had a rails install with Paperclip working just fine for a while now and in a recent deploy it has broken. I believe it coincided with a gemfile update, because nothing else on the machine has changed. The error is:

Command :: file -b --mime :file
[paperclip] Error while determining content type: Command 'file -b --mime :file' returned 1. Expected 0

This is on a png file that I've verified to be valid. When I run 'file -b –mime' on the image I get:

image/png; charset=binary

I also get this afterwards:

Command :: identify -format %wx%h :file
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: /tmp/song_waveform_3010520121008-23335-165xag4.png20121008-23335-j8e18p is not recognized by the 'identify' command.>

I did a which file and it gave me /usr/bin so I tried setting the Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" in production.rb with no change.

I can't think of why this could be happening. Perhaps it's not pointing to the right directory? I'm a bit lost here.

Best Answer

Most likely this is caused by the API change in Cocaine 4 which Paperclip has not caught up to yet. Try using the earlier version of Cocaine by inserting this line into your Gemfile:

gem "cocaine", "= 0.3.2" 
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