R – Performance testing for existing web app – Useful tools


I'm maintaining a web app that has performance problems.

I want to record a series of actions, then play back those actions once I've made changes and compare page load times so that I can quantify the performance improvement.

The Selenium IDE does what I need for recording and playing back the actions, but I haven't found an easy way to record timings.

Is there a good way to record and compare page load timings using Selenium? Is there a better tool to use instead?

Best Answer

The Net Tab in Firebug can help you measure and find out what exactly is affecting the load time of the website. You don't even need to have access to the server to use it. YSlow Gives you very cool tips for improving the overall load and feel of a specified site. I personaly use the Net tab to identify possible load times, may it be large images, javascripts css or bad latencies. I never heard of an automated tool for doing this, AFAIK selenium helps you build integration tests which helps you ensure certain parts of the application works as expected, but I'm not sure if it can also be used as a profiling tool. I hope this helps

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