R – Pick and RDF/SPARQL


Anyone have any interest in intergrating RDF and/or SPARQL with a PICK database?
Has anyone tried this yet?
I have some thoughts about what to try. One idea is to figure out how to create a file with a dictionary that defines some correlatives that allow data to be pulled from the file as RDF, as one or many of n-triple, turtle, n3 or XML. Another idea is a PICK BASIC SPARQL endpoint.

Unfortunately, I no longer work in a place where a PICK database is available for testing.
I suppose I could set up a Maverick instance, but I'd rather do this on D3 or U2.

Best Answer

You can download a free Universe or Unidata personal edition from the Rocket Software website. These are similar to Pick and even have a Pick option when creating a new account (at least Universe does).

Rocket Software

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