R – Post-Commit Hook & Trac


Having a few issues with my post-commit hook script and track – hoping someone can help.

The scripts all work fine – no errors – but for some reason trac doesn't update. I turned on logging and found this:

Trac[svn_fs] DEBUG: Subversion bindings imported
Trac[cache] INFO: repos rev [363] != cached rev [362]
2 Trac[cache] INFO: Trying to sync revision [363]
Trac[cache] DEBUG: Caching node change in [363]: (u'Max/test2.txt.txt', 'file', 'edit', u'Max/test2.txt.txt', 362)
Trac[main] DEBUG: Dispatching <Request "GET u'/report'">
Trac[report] DEBUG: Executing report with SQL "SELECT id AS report, title, 'report' as _realm FROM report ORDER BY report"
Trac[report] DEBUG: Request args: {}
Trac[chrome] DEBUG: Prepare chrome data for request
Trac[session] DEBUG: Retrieving session for ID u'max'
Trac[main] DEBUG: 173 unreachable objects found.

But then nothing updates in the tickets ? Using the standard scripts etc from Trac itself for post commit hook per this http://svn.edgewall.com/repos/trac/branches/0.11-stable/contrib/?

Any ideas?

Edit: I have 3 users who are TRAC_ADMIN – not sure if there is a permissions issue? i.e. no anonymous users etc

Best Answer

Check the execute bit on the post commit hook. Verify that the hook is named as specified by svn. (Read the section on hooks in the svn book.)