R – Posting a web form to a different page in asp.net 3.5


I am told that form.action attribute is being honored right now; so we can post a form to a different page. i have tried that, but i get an error to do with ViewState (I realise why).

What I am trying to find out for sure if I can in fact post to a different page w/o getting this error; otherwise I see no point for Microsoft to implement this "feature" at all,

Unfortunately, in my app i HAVE to post to a different IP, so I have to make this work. Any ideas?

I am completely baffled as to why honor form.action but not make it work – it's a soft of a half-baked feature. According to MS this is a known issue.

Refer to this:

Best Answer

So if your machine keys are the same and or you post without viewstate on the page, then you can cross post all day long.

So if you set the machine key in the machine config of both servers to the same value you should be good.

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