R – Prevent file casing problems in Subversion


We encountered a problem with using Subversion on Windows. A developer committed a file foo.Data.sql and later another developer committed a file called foo.data.sql. Naturally, this caused a problem on Windows clients (all clients are Windows in our environments) because files are case sensitive in Subversion but not in Windows.

We managed to resolve this problem by deleting one of the files directly in the repository, but I still have two questions:

  1. How is it possible for a developer to do this using a Windows client? Does he have an invalid working copy, or is there a bug in the client (TortoiseSVN)?
  2. How can we prevent changes like these from entering the repository (i.e. has anyone written a hook script that performs a sanity check for file casing issues)?

Best Answer

There is definitely a hook script that checks case sensitivity - Sourceforge have it as one of their options. A quick google turns up: http://www.subversionary.org/howto/using-check-case-insensitive-py-on-windows and http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/case-insensitive.py

The issue will have arisen on a windows platform if user 1 added foo.data.sql and user 2 added foo.Data.sql before getting an update from user 1.

Hope that helps :)