Printing Work Items in TFS


I am looking for a fancy way the print individual work items in TFS.
OK … maybe not the work item directly but I need to produce printable forms based on data on a work item. And by fancy I mean: header, footer, formatting, tables maybe … stuff like that.

No, I am not trying to print a list of work items, read carefully, I need an output based on a single work item.

For those who are wondering "Why on earth do you need that?" I should say:
We are keeping everything on TFS around here. (For now only software development stuff, but I am thinking bigger…) Sometimes somethings need to be on hard copy, to be signed for instance, and that is why I need printable forms.

Best Answer

I came up with a solution a little interesting from my point of view.

I used the "mail merge" function of MS Word to print work items. I prepared an SQL query that reads whatever fields are needed from TFS database and set the query as a datasource for mail marge.

Now I can design a word document of any kind and use TFS fields in the document. I just select the appropriate record by work item number and voila!! my printable work item is ready.

It is a little slow when selecting a work item if you use a query that returns all work items, but who is perfect? Right ?

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