R – Private Accessor don’t build when using MSBuild

cruisecontrol.netmsbuildnetnunitunit testing

My build server uses MSBuild to build my application. Our unit tests require access to some private members for testing, so we use the built in private accessors. Visual Studio has no problem with it, but when we push our code to the build server we get the error:

MyTest.cs (96,13): errorCS0246: The
type or namespace name 'My_Accessor'
could not be found (are you missing a
using directive or an assembly

Why is it that MSBuild ignores the private accessors and how can I fix it?

We use NUnit for our testing framework and CruiseControl.Net for our continuous integration server.

As per the comment, here is some test code for the base class for a repository pattern class.

MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();

IDataContextWrapper wrapper = mocks.DynamicMock<IDataContextWrapper>();

Repository_Accessor target = new Repository_Accessor(wrapper);
Assert.AreEqual(wrapper, target._DataContext);

This code simply verifies that the member variables _DataContext is set to the mocked wrapper. It fails when building with MSBuild on my build server.

Best Answer

It seems like your build setup is not generating the private accessor assembly. As a result, you're getting that missing using directive or assembly reference error. You can look at Publicize tool to generate the private accessor during your build process. It is mentioned in there that

The generated assembly is also known as a private accessor. You can also generate private accessors from the IDE, but you might use publicize.exe instead in Automation, scripting, and build scenarios.

I use private accessors as well in some of the tests and use TFS TeamBuild and MSTest. Private accessor gets generated during builds. I did not have to do anything manually.

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