R – Problem setting property value on Custom Control Template Part


I have a custom control template that contains a Slider control.
I name that as a part in the class that implements the custom control:

[TemplatePart(Name = MapZoomSliderName, Type = typeof(Slider))]

In the OnApplyTemplate() override, I get the Slider:

        MapZoomSlider = (Slider) GetTemplateChild("MapZoomSlider");
        if (null != MapZoomSlider)

            MapZoomSlider.ValueChanged +=new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double>(MapZoomSlider_ValueChanged);
            MapZoomSlider.Value = InitSliderValue;  // crash
            _lastSliderValue = MapZoomSlider.Value;

When I try to set the Slider's Value property, the app crashes with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Getting the slider's value works as expected.
What do I need to do to set the Slider's value at run time?
Thanks for any tips…

Best Answer

What is "InitSliderValue"? Maybe its the wrong value type? (Must be a double) Also, zero or negative may not be a valid value.