R – Problem with components after migration project from Flash CS3 to CS4


I start flash as3 project on Flash CS3, about one year ago. After compile it on CS4, I get this error (on Russian):

TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
    at fl.controls::TextArea/drawLayout()
    at fl.controls::TextArea/draw()
    at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

But I get this error only in browser (FlashPlayer10), if I run inside Flash CS4 – all works fine.

And I get this error then the MovieClip with TextArea added on stage.

Best Answer

Silly question, but is the TextArea component still in the library ? Try to delete it and drag it again from the Components Panel.

When exactly does the error occur ? As soon as you access the TextArea ? When you try to retrieve/set the text ?

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