Iphone – Problem with UIScrollView Content Offset


Im developing an iPad app in which I have a scrollview, the size of which i determine dynamically depending on the number of objects i display in it. Now, though i have not set any content offset I find that the scroll view has been offset by some amount whenever the view loads. When I check the value of the offset, it shows 0. I dont understand why without having a contentOffset value, the scrollview behaves that way. Any reasons for this?

I suspect this has something to do with iOS 4.2 as i dont remember this problem occurring when i was testing the app on iOS 3.2.

Update: The amount its getting offset seems to vary based on the contentSize of the scrollView. If the contentSize of the scrollView matches that of its frame height (its a vertical scrollview), then there is no offset. As the contentSize increases above the value of the height of the scrollView frame, the offset also increases proportionally. However, scrollView.contentOffset.y still = 0.0

Best Answer

if u use interface builder -

  • add scrollview to the view
  • create another view and add elements that u need to add to scroll view

then add this second view to scrollview

write this code in Viewdidload scrollview.contentsize.y = lastelement.frame.origin.y + lastelement.frame.size.height + 10

this will adjust the scrollview to content size. it displays the first element and can scroll from top to bottom.

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