R – Programmatically change IIS7’s ApplicationHost.config on Windows 2008 64-bit


I need my 32-bit InstallShield installer to make a change to ApplicationHost.config (Part of IIS7). I want to set the value of overrideModeDefaults from "Deny" to "Allow" for the ipSecurity configSection.

This works fine in Windows 2008 32-bit, but not in Windows 2008 64-bit. The problem is that the installer only looks in systemWOW64 for the file, but it is actually in system32.

Is there a way for me to edit this file programmatically from my 32-bit installer? I'm okay with running a script or even doing it post-install with my 32-bit configuration tool.

Best Answer

I think I've found my own answer. Turns out you can use %windir%\sysnative to access the system32 directory in a 32-bit application.

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