R – schema-less data warehouse and reporting


We have a system that generates many events as the result of a phone call/web request/sms/email etc, each of these events need to be able to be stored and be available for reporting (for MI/BI etc) on, each of these events have many variables and does not fit any one specific scheme.

The structure of the event document is a key-value pair list (cdr= 1&name=Paul&duration=123&postcode=l21). Currently we have a SQL Server system using dynamically generated sparse columns to store our (flat) document, of which we have reports that run against the data, for many different reasons I am looking at other solutions.

I am looking for suggestions of a system (open or closed) that allows us to push these events in (regardless of the schema) and provide reporting and anlytics on top of it.

I have seen Pentaho and Jasper, but most of the seem to connect to a system to get the data out of it to then report on it. I really just want to be able to push a document in and have it available to be reported on.

As much as I love CouchDB, I am looking for a system that allows schema-less submitting of data and reporting on top of it (much like Pentaho, Jasper, SQL Reporting/Analytics Server etc)

Best Answer

I don't think there is any DBMS that will do what you want and allow an off-the-shelf reporting tool to be used. Low-latency analytic systems are not quick and easy to build. Low-latency on unstructured data is quite ambitious.

You are going to have to persist the data in some sort of database, though.

I think you may have to take a closer look at your problem domain. Are you trying to run low-latency analytical reports, or an operational report that prompts some action within the business when certain events occur? For low-latency systems you need to be quite ruthless about what constitutes operational reporting and what constitutes analytics.

Edit: Discourage the 'potentially both' mindset unless the business are prepared to pay. Investment banks and hedge funds spend big bucks and purchase supercomputers to do 'real-time analytics'. It's not a trivial undertaking. It's even less trivial when you try to do such a system and build it for high uptimes.

Even on apps like premium-rate SMS services and .com applications the business often backs down when you do a realistic scope and cost analysis of the problem. I can't say this enough. Be really, really ruthless about 'realtime' requirements.

If the business really, really need realtime analytics then you can make hybrid OLAP architectures where you have a marching lead partition on the fact table. This is an architecture where the fact table or cube is fully indexed for historical data but has a small leading partition that is not indexed and thus relatively quick to insert data into.

Analytic queries will table scan the relatively small leading data partition and use more efficient methods on the other partitions. This gives you low latency data and the ability to run efficient analytic queries over the historical data.

Run a process nightly that rolls over to a new leading partition and consolidates/indexes the previous lead partition.

This works well where you have items such as bitmap indexes (on databases) or materialised aggregations (on cubes) that are expensive on inserts. The lead partition is relatively small and cheap to table scan but efficient to trickle insert into. The roll-over process incrementally consolidates this lead partition into the indexed historical data which allows it to be queried efficiently for reports.

Edit 2: The common fields might be candidates to set up as dimensions on a fact table (e.g. caller, time). The less common fields are (presumably) coding. For an efficient schema you could move the optional coding into one or more 'junk' dimensions..

Briefly, a junk dimension is one that represents every existing combination of two or more codes. A row on the table doesn't relate to a single system entity but to a unique combination of coding. Each row on the dimension table corresponds to a distinct combination that occurs in the raw data.

In order to have any analytic value you are still going to have to organise the data so that the columns in the junk dimension contain something consistently meaningful. This goes back to some requirements work to make sure that the mappings from the source data make sense. You can deal with items that are not always recorded by using a placeholder value such as a zero-length string (''), which is probably better than nulls.

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