Iphone – Scrolling through UIScrollView in Interface Builder for Xcode 4


This seems to me as though it would be a common problem, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. This question seems to address the issue, but I can't seem to get the solution to work and I'm not sure it's referring to Xcode 4.

When using Interface Builder in Xcode 4 and working with a UIScrollView, is there a way to scroll the view down in Interface Builder itself to view/add/edit controls that are out of the viewable section of the screen? I've managed to push a couple controls down using the arrow keys, but now I can't see them and therefore can't manipulate them in Interface Builder. Scrolling the view in IB would be first prize, but if there's a way to even select the controls using a drop-down menu or whatever so I can push them back up with the arrow keys, that would at least be something. Thanks.

Best Answer

Set the ViewController's Simulated Size to Freeform and set a very large height. E.g: 1000 and voilà! You can now scroll to see all the stuff and add even more! :)

P.S: Remember to set set Fixed when you are finish to avoid problems!

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