Select react-select dropdown list option using cypress


Does anyone know how to select an option from a react-select dropdown list in a cypress test?

I have tried lots of stuff but to no avail.

Seems that react-select uses a hidden input. That cypress can not write into. And divs that cypress can also not write into either.

It also does not help that I do not know how to inspect the actual dropdown list in dev tools because it does not stay open.

I am using:

  • react-select v2.4.1
  • cypress v3.1.5

Edit 1:

@bkucera's answer works. The working Code I ended up was:

it('updates Person', () => {
    cy.contains('Test Tester').click({ force: true })

I had to add an .eq(1) after find because there seem to be two inputs.

Edit 2:

Above solution ended up clicking on elements in the nav tree on my site that happened to contain the same text. So no cigar 🙁

Edit 3:

I have also tried this solution:

Cypress.Commands.add('setSelectOption', ({ selector, option, value }) => {
    .find('.css-10nd86i input')
    .type(value, { force: true })

…but even though force: true is used I get this error:

The element typed into was:

  > <input name="aeId" type="hidden" value="862333db-31cf-444c-b8ea-021c640c7a44">

Cypress considers the 'body', 'textarea', any 'element' with a 'tabindex' or 'contenteditable' attribute, or any 'input' with a 'type' attribute of 'text', 'password', 'email', 'number', 'date', 'week', 'month', 'time', 'datetime', 'datetime-local', 'search', 'url', or 'tel' to be valid typeable elements.

Edit 4:

So far this has worked best:

Cypress.Commands.add('setSelectOption', ({ selector, option, value }) => {
    .find('.css-10nd86i input:text')
    .type(option, { force: true, delay: 600, timeout: 330000 })
    .type('{enter}', { force: true })
    .should('have.value', value)

At least it works for short lists. Text is entered slowly. For our species list (7000 long) I added those delay and timeout options. Delay seems to help but I have not been able to understand exactly how these options influence behaviour. And sometimes cypress times out 🙁

Edit 5:

Meanwhile (react-select v3.0.4, cypress v3.3.2) all tests fail because:

Expected to find element '.css-10nd86i' but never found it

I guess the class has changed. Not surprising with such a brittle solution 🙁

Best Answer

On Cypress 4.2.0 and react-select 3.0.8 pressing enter twice is working for me:

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