Angularjs – Selenium click event does not trigger angularjs ng-click


I have this page where there is a textbox and there is save button associated with each text box. I need to click on the save button so that it will save the value in text box. It is working manually and using selenium. But when running through Selenium WebDriver it's not saving the text box value. But there is no error exception being thrown. Input, Click is working.
savetextvalue() is not triggered in short.
There is similar issue Selenium click event does not trigger angularjs event

<pp-save-control fn-save-text="saveText();" btn-class="btn btn-default btn-mtl" button-id="btnkbaemailauthsub" place-holder-text="" input-class="tb-mtl" input-id="txtkbaemailauthsub" config-name="40" title-text="KBA email authentication subject" outer-container-class="div-mtl-header" class="ng-isolate-scope"><div class="div-mtl-header">
    <span class="label-mtl ng-binding">KBA email authentication subject</span><img ng-hide="(isHelpHidden != null &amp;&amp; isHelpHidden != 'true') ? false : true" class="help-mtl ng-hide" src="/Images/help.png">
    <div class="div-mtl-tb-holder">
        <input type="text" placeholder="" class="tb-mtl" name="txtkbaemailauthsub" id="txtkbaemailauthsub">
        <button ng-click="saveTextValue();" ng-hide="false" class="btn btn-default btn-mtl btn-mtl-alignment" name="btnkbaemailauthsub" id="btnkbaemailauthsub" type="button">save</button>

There are multiple text box and associated save button. Depending on the 'config-value'(You can see at top) value is getting saved.

Best Answer

Replace the locator according to your convenience

WebElement element= driver.findElement("btnkbaemailauthsub"));

JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);


JavascriptLibrary jsLib = new JavascriptLibrary();
jsLib.callEmbeddedSelenium(driver,"triggerMouseEventAt", element,"click", "0,0");


WebElement element= driver.findElement("btnkbaemailauthsub"));
// Configure the Action
Actions action = new Actions(driver);

//Focus to element

// To click on the element

Hope it will help you :)

Get back to me if still facing issue :)

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