R – Severe Flex issues


I seem to be having difficulties getting the trace function to output anything to the console in either Eclipse with the Flex Plug-in, Flex Builder, or even FlexBeans (the Netbeans plug-in for Flex). I have removed and then reinstalled the Flash player 10 debugger version for both Firefox and IE, rebooting after uninstalling them and then after re-installing them. I have removed all old versions of Java and updated to the most recent version.

mm.cfg is configured correctly to allow the trace actions to appear in flashlog.txt

I tried removing the Flex Plug-in for eclipse to re-install, and now that I re-installed, I cannot create new Flex projects. I would rather not uninstall Flex Builder for fear that it will also behave strangely.

ANY ideas would be useful. Ideally, I need the plug-in to work, but any way I could get tracing to output to the console (in ANY IDE) would be better than what I have now.

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you mean by "Flash debugger for both Firefox and IE"; are you referring the debugger versions of the Flash Player available here?


If not, you definitely need those installed in order to be able to write trace() output to the IDE console.

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