R – SharePoint files MD5 hash


We have a client who requires that all image files within SharePoint are stored in a manner that it can be shown they are a bit for bit copy of the originally uploaded file. Obviously, hashing the file would be able to show that when the file is retrieved.

What I haven't been able to find it any reference to someone implementing this functionality on a SharePoint image library. I've found numerous articles around implementing this generically in C#, but ideally I'd like to be able to do it on a standard SharePoint document/image library.

Does anyone have any suggestions as how best to go about doing this? Workflow comes to mind, but what do people think? Also, as a side to this, does anyone know whether or not SharePoint will store a bit for bit copy that will verify when we compare the checksum?

Best Answer

You can to implement a event handler which compute your file hash on upload and to store it in a metadata text field. It's a simple solution for your problem.