R – Sharepoint: How to set the permission to edit WSS user profile


I'm running a SharePoint Application on a MOSS 2007 with a form based user authentication without using the MySite feature. So all the settings on the SSP administration site which only concern the user profile on the MySites should normally not affect the user profile of the application as these should be managed from WSS.

But where could I define the settings for the WSS user profiles? At the moment a user can only edit the attributes in his profile which are listed as additional columns for the application's user list (WebsiteAction –> WebisteSettings –> Users and Groups –> All users –> ListSettings). So all other attributes like first, surname, info, title etc. are partly imported form our identity directory (LDAP) but are not editable for the users.

So are there any options to define which of the attributes should be editable for the users and which one should not be? It would also be interesting if there are any options to define which LDAP attributes are mapped to the which WSS profile attribute.


Best Answer

Those things are handled by your shared service provider. So gå there then:

User profiles and properties -> View profile properties

You can also do all sorts of other stuff regarding profiles, mysites, etc there.

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