R – Sharepoint webservices

sharepointsharepoint-2003web services

I have a couple of Sharepoint portals (Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 + SQL Server) running and they should both share some commom data. I was planning on working with two separate lists, and build a web app that will be responsible for updating them both throught the WSS Lists Service (http://server/_ vti_bin/lists.asmx). I'm wondering if that's a commom practice? Should I be concerned about the scalability of such solution? – the list should grow at a rate of ~3000 records per month.

Sorry for the poor title, I couldn't think of a better one.

Best Answer

If i understand correctly the web app you will be building is NOT a SharePoint web application, simply an ASP.NET web app that will call into the SharePoint to update lists with data presumably collected by your application.

This is a perfecty acceptable scheme, I think its exactly what the list web services are intended for.

The only trickiness you may run into is if you have to back-haul data from one of the lists back into your webapplication. Bi-directional synchronization is always a sticky wicket.

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