R – SharePoint Workflow working with PDF documents


We’re trying to lessen the amount of clicks to approve a PDF in a workflow. With Word docs in Word 2007, you have the Workflow task bar at the top of the application so when you are viewing the document, you can approve or reject it from there. Our issue is that we need this functionality for PDF documents. Do you know of a way to be able to view/approve in one easy task rather than having to view PDF in acrobat and then returning to SharePoint (or the email) to edit the task?
I researched this but only found this post: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointworkflow/thread/728c2e34-9031-4a27-b9c9-6625af2547e3/

Not very useful. Do you have any solutions? Do know if a custom solution could be coded so it’s an easier process for the Executives?

Best Answer

You could write your own workflow that sends a custom email which contains the link to an approval form, where they can 1. view 2. approve/reject the document.

That way the user have 3 clicks:

  1. Open the form
  2. Open the document
  3. Approve the document

It's the same problem for people still using Office 2003 - so very valid problem.

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