R – Sharing ASP.NET authentication between sites


We are launching a new web site using a sub-domain and need to ensure that users logging in to the original (main domain) site, are also authenticated in the new site.

I believe I need to ensure all related web.config settings (forms authentication, cookie names etc) are the same in both applications and also manually set the machineKey validationKey/decryptionKeys (again, the same in both apps).

My question is, if I now manually set theses keys in my main app, will it break the existing logins?

We are using the "hashed" format for passwords.

Best Answer

Depends what you mean by "break". If you modify the machineKeys/encryptiong keys people might have to log back in but the login functionality will continue to work as before.

You also need to make sure that the domain for your cookie are set to domain.com in both places (without the www) or the authentication cookies will not be shard correctly between the sites.