R – Should business logic be placed in the domain or the services


Let's say you have a domain entity User and you want to support the ability for a User to add an item to their shopping cart. Now, we want to make sure that the items in the shopping cart are unique, so we create the following function inside the User class:

function AddItemToCart(Item item)
    // Add business logic to make sure item is unique

This works great. But what if we now want to also e-mail the user whenever an item is added to their cart? We can add this into the AddItemToCart, but it would require injecting some sort of IEmailer dependency into the User class.

The alternative would be to create a service to handle this transaction (e.g. ShoppingCartService) which would perform the business logic and send out the e-mail. However, this leads to a rather anemic domain (i.e. the User class is nothing but getters/setters)

Best Answer

Logic that is part of the domain logic of the User should stay in the user. This may or may not involve injecting the User entity with a service. I think it depends on whether the service is part of the business logic of the User class, and whether doing this adheres to your ubiquitous language.

I would write this:

class ShoppingCartService
    private EmailService emailer;

    public void addItemToUserCart(User u, Item i)
        this.emailer.sendEmailTo(u, "Item " + i.toString() + " was added to your cart");

This related question has discussion you might find helpful.

I'd also advise you to keep the getters and setters as restricted in scope as possible to reduce coupling.

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