R – Should I learn XML before WCF

wcfweb servicesxml

a) I plan to start learning WCF, but I’m not sure whether it’s important to learn XML first. If XML should be learned before WCF, why?

b) In case XML should be learned prior to WCF, then I’d prefer to learn just the parts required to understand WCF. So which of the following XML technologies should be tackled and in how much detail:

  • basics of XML
  • DTD
  • XML schemas
  • XPath
  • XSLT
  • XQuery


Best Answer

Fundamental Fact: Learning XML in a stand-alone manner does not make sense because XML is not used in a stand-alone manner.

Since, you are about to learn WCF, I would suggest you to get a hang of WebServices first. That way you will learn the basics you want to learn about XML and also its relevance as a choice for serialized data transfer.

Also, it would make sense to learn about the various advantages and options provided in SQL Server for XML support.

So, learn XML in conjunction with a relevant technology that would prove more useful to you.