R – Should I use a workflow or event receiver


I want to build a custom content type that will be the basis of a list item that will have multiple states. The various states will determine which list will instantiate this item. It will move between the states, and therefore the lists, based on user actions.

I have a few choices to implement this:

  1. Create workflows on each list that handle the specific functions related to that list. Move an item to another list when necessary (copy item to new list, delete orig item), and let that workflow kick off.
  2. Create a workflow on the custom content type we will be using, and let that move the item between the various lists. Not sure if a workflow on a content type can move from list to list, let alone across site collections.
  3. Use the event receivers on the custom content type to manage state. User acts on an item, changing its state, so the event receiver creates a copy of itself on the other list and then deletes itself on the current list. I know this works across site collections.

Which way is best, and why? Anything that absolutely will not work? Any method I've overlooked?

Best Answer

In my opinion, use event receivers, as these follow the item rather than the list. You still need to enable the content type for the receiving list, but this approach is a lot easier than updating and deleting workflows in lists based on the presence or absences of certain content types.

However, why not combine the approaches? Have the content type event receiver deal with the content type specific activities and let the lists handle any list specific activities. Event receivers are cheap and flexible.
