R – Should IP addresses and ports be considered confidential


I'm dealing with a client who is "concerned about security" and they're demanding all files containing ports and IP addresses (config information essentially) must be encrypted.

My view is that IP addresses and ports are essentially public. The file may give away the nature of the server but this sort of "partial secrecy" to me doesn't really add anything to security other than a false sense of security.

Should this sort of information be stored encrypted?

Edit: One small issue is that it's a mobile device so adding encryption is actually a fairly significant overhead as it's a fairly arduous task for the processor and will cause a performance hit.

Best Answer

There is never any harm in keeping as much information private as is possible. The less you give a potential hacker the harder their job will be.

However, the biggest thing to note is as you say, a "false sense of security". As long as the words "noone will hack us they don't know our ip address" are never uttered then that's fine. As soon as you think that this one level of obscurity is enough to keep you safe then you have a problem.