R – SIFR: How much is too much


First time poster here, using the "sifr3-r436" build.

I am doing work on my company's website and decided it was time for us to start employing some SIFR technology. So far, I have been able to figure it out quite easily, with the exception of a question or two. Basically, I have two burning questions that I would like answered.

1) How much SIFR is considered "ok"? Although I am only using SIFR for headlines, per the recommendations in the FAQ/Walk-through, I still have a substantial amount of text that I would like to convert to SIFR. Please view the website to get an idea of how much SIFR I'm using (Rockwell font headlines and subheads). Is this too much?

2) How do I control font color with SIFR? Obviously I know you can set it inside the 'sifr-config.js' file. However, I have many different colored headlines that I would like to use.. I'm currently doing it this way:

sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #a63f03; color: #bf7e04;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_green', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #597704;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_maroon', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #330000;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_blue', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #005995;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_cruise', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #016EA1;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_australia', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #277c5d;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_intl', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #1b2f15;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_us', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #32588b;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_hawaii', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #4a1e52;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_rail', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #304c2a;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_canada', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #0a2754;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_alaska', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #083c4b;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_sadc', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #630002;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_easternus', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #8b3100;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_lightgray', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #999999;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_medgray', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #666666;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_darkgray', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #333333;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_extended', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #175700;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,
sIFR.replace(rockwell, {
selector: '.h3_sifr_orange', css: '.sIFR-root { font-size: 18px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #a63f03;}', forceSingleLine: true, wmode: 'transparent', tuneHeight: -5,

Now, as you can see, the only way I have been able to do the different colors is through a separate replace statement for each and every color. I tried changing the color 'inline' (i.e., <span class="h3_sifr" style="color:#123456></span>), but this does not work. Any tips?

Best Answer

I think you're using a bit too much sIFR. Try limiting it to just the main headers, and don't replace the links.

The CSS issue is a bit of a pickle, no easy answer there. You can copy the other shared properties to the rockwell object though, so you don't have to repeat those.

Also try to refrain from using transparency, and you shouldn't need to use forceSingleLine I think.