R – sIFR in Javascript news rotator


I'm using sIFR on a website that is database driven and it works great. However, I have a news rotator on the home page and sIFR won't replace the text on the tile below the rotating image, so I have to create images for this each time.

Example of the site is http://www.aucklandcityfc.com. Put home.asp on the end of the URL to see what it looks like trying to run sIFR by default.

What I'd like to be able to do is use sIFR to replace that text as well, and then other people can add stories through the CMS.

Alternatively, if there's a better rotator (or possibly a Flash application) that anyone knows of, please let me know.


Best Answer

You can insert the new text and then replace the element again; or use the replaceText API method to change the text inside an existing sIFR Flash movie.