R – sIFR in list-items with custom bullets problem in IE


I have a design where sIFR is needed for a vertical menu. With sIFR I replace li-items (with nested lists). In my CSS I have turned off the bullets but for some of the list-items I have made custom bullets with the well-known background-image and padding-left method. It all works well on FireFox (both PC and Mac) and Safari, but IE starts showing bullets where I don't want to, and besides that it replaces my custom bullets with normal ones. sIFR seems to break my CSS for those custom-bulleted list-items.

I have tried putting every tag in the list inside tags and replace them with sIFR to no avail.

It would be great if someone can take a look and help me with this problem:




Best Answer

I think it may be (partially) because you are applying list-style: to the li's. It should be applied to the ul instead, which is then inherited by the li's. That should get rid of the unwelcome bullet points at least.

I ditched using sIFR ages ago because it was overly complicated - Cufon seems like a much better solution, provided it's not over-used (slowness).