R – sIFR mouse wheel scrolling freeze in Firefox


I have started using sIFR for a site at work, everything works very well except one thing.

When I'm scrolling down the webpage with the mouse wheel, it stops scrolling when the pointer is on the flash object. It seems like the flash object is stealing the the focus when the mouse is over it.

I have only been experiencing this problem in Firefox, Safari and IE7 didn't have this mouse wheel scrolling problem.

There must be a way to fix this… I've seen that on Vimeo, the mouse wheel scrolling is working even if the mouse is over a flash video. Example here: http://vimeo.com/3280159

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I've found a solution, which is not the best but it works...

i've added a condition in the sIFR replace function of the config file. I use jQuery to verify which browser is in use, if it's IE: wmode=window, else if it's any browser, wmode=transparent

var myfont = { src: '/sifrfont.swf' };
sIFR.activate(myfont );
sIFR.replace(myfont , {
  selector: 'h1',
  wmode: ($.browser.msie)?'window':'transparent',
  css: '.sIFR-root { color: #3e2616; font-size: 50; leading:0;letter-spacing: -2; display: inline;}'

I have tested this in Windows XP, with the following browsers: Firefox 3, Safari, IE6, IE7 and Google Chrome.