R – sIFR3 show text while loading


I am using sIFR3 on a website. I remember in sIFR2 you coul use this sIFR.bHideBrowserText = false; to show the text before sIFR kicks in.

How do you do this in sIFR3 and where do you put the code?

Thanks for your help.


Best Answer

The feature as it existed in sIFR 2 no longer exists in sIFR 3. You could achieve the same affect like this, though:

sIFR.autoInitialize = false;

sIFR.replace(movie, { selector: 'h1' });

window.onload = function(){

Where, of course, movie is the appropriate variable that references the Flash movie. You might want to connect to the onload event through another JavaScript framework. You must wait until full page load, things like $(document).ready() (jQuery) will not work reliably cross-browser.