R – Silverlight 3 Offline Mode


Has anyone found that the userbase is more reluctant to install Silverlight 3 Apps in offline mode because they have no control over "where" the app is installed to? I've had a few issues of a similar nature in the past, with 'power users' getting upset that they can't specify install directories. Are there any workarounds? Any way to get the Silverlight offline installs to prompt for specific install locations and the like?

The specific reason given is that users want to install apps to remote storage, like a USB stick or something.

Best Answer

I haven't ever had that problem before with similar technologies (such as ClickOnce). In fact I've found the opposite. In general users are more comfortable with software if they have to answer less questions.

For the majority of users out there they simply don't care where an app is installed to. And most don't even understand the consequences of choosing one location over another.

Why burden users with choices they don't care about and can't answer in a meaningful way? I know it's not true of every user, but IMHO, it is for the majority.

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