Silverlight 3 – Out of browser HtmlPage.Window.Navigate


Silverlight 3 allows you to run your application out of the browser, which installs a link on your desktop/start menu.

The problem is we are currently using

  Window.Navigate(new Uri("http://<server>/<resource>"), "_blank")

to load a URL into a new browser window (it's to provide a 'print friendly' page for users to print). This works in the normal SL in-browser version, but outside the browser we get 'The DOM/scripting bridge is disabled.' exception thrown when issuing the call.

Is there an alternative which works out of the browser?

I've seen Open page in silverlight out of browser but I need to do this entirely in code, so I don't want to add a (hidden) hyperlink button and then programmatically 'click' it (unless I absolutely have to…).

Best Answer

you can try inheriting from HyperlinkButton and exposing public Click() method (which you can then instantiate and call from code instead of declaring it in xaml). Details here:

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