R – Silverlight 4.0 + MVC 2.0 + WCF RIA Services + EF 4.0 = Load Error


I'm trying to buid a site with the following:

  • VS 2010 (for the updated WCF RIA Services)
  • Silverlight 4.0 (packaged with WCF RIA Services).
  • MVC 2
  • EF 4.0

I am setting it up so that the public facing pages will be html from MVC, but the administration portion will be a silverlight navigation application using using WCF RIA Services for data access.

When I create the silverlight application within a webforms application, it works (I am able to add a datagrid and retrieve data using EF 4.0 and WCF RIA Services successfully):
alt text http://www.patleague.com/images/sl4_webforms.png

When I create the silverlight application within an MVC2 application:
alt text http://www.patleague.com/images/sl4_mvc2.png

I get an error as follows (I've added the same datagrid in both cases – a simple table with 2 records):
alt text http://www.patleague.com/images/sl4_mvc_dataerr.png

The webforms server-side works while the MVC server side doesn't. I've unsuccessfully tried WCF logging as well as fiddler, but I somehow can't get any output (using the example here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms730064.aspx), and I've also tried fiddler to get some information with no luck. I'm really struggling with this and I wonder if anyone else has run into this issue and found a way around it?

Thanks, Dennis

Best Answer

Ignoring the routes for the services corrected this problem when added to Global.asax.cs:

routes.IgnoreRoute("{*allsvc}", new { allsvc = @".*\.svc(/.*)?" });

Credit for this answer has to go to OneSmartGuy: his answer fixed my issue also.

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