R – Silverlight and .NET RIA Services – Managing Users


I am building a Silverlight 3 application that uses .NET RIA Services. This application is hosted in an ASP.NET application that uses the default aspnet_Membership tables. My Silverlight application requires users to login. If they are a member of a certain role, I want to allow them to manage the application's users.

Currently, I can authenticate a user and see what roles they belong to. However, I cannot figure out how to do other tasks handled by the ASP.NET MembershipProvider. Things like creating users, resetting their password, etc.

How do I do these types of things through a Silverlight application that uses .NET RIA Services?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Correct me if I am wrong, but as I checked MembershipProvider, there are already methods for Creating Users, Resetting Password, Changing Passwords or Deleting Users

Or probably you wanted to ask something else or probably the question is incomplete?

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