R – Silverlight Isolated Storage Settings Being Overwritten by Another Silverlight Application


I have a Silverlight application deployed on both our staging and production servers. This application caches information using isolated storage settings. If I browser to


everything works fine, data is stored to isolated storage on my machine just fine. However if I browse to


everything works EXCEPT that nothing is saved to isolated storage on my machine. Both pages contain copies of the same xap file. Why would it behave one way when hosted on one server and behave a different way when hosted on a different server?

Edit: Additional note, I have verified that data is not being saved to isolated storage by looking at the C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Silverlight\is directory while running my application.

Edit #2: After further investigation (process monitor), the data is being written to isolated storage, but then being overwritten by another SilverLight application on the same page. This didn't show up on our staging environment since the second application was not deployed there. Somehow, both applications are being given the same isolated storage location. They are unique xap files, so how are they being given the same IsolatedStorage.ApplicationSettings location?

Best Answer

Could it be that your applications are using GetUserStoreForSite() instead of GetUserStoreForApplication() on the IsolatedStorageFile class?

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