R – Silverlight isolated storage: what identifies an “application”


The docs for Silverlight's IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication just say that the isolated storage is specific to the "application", and that each different application will have its own storage independent of all other "applications" (but with one quota for the entire domain).

That's great, but I haven't found anything yet that explains just what "application" is supposed to mean (either in the Silverlight docs or the regular .NET Framework docs). What information does Silverlight, in particular, use to decide that "this is application A" and "this is application B"? Does it just go off the URI to the .xap file, or what?

Best Answer

Think of it as the URL. If the URL is different the application's isolated storage will be different. You can change the metadata and such in the file all you want. Just not the filename/location of it. If I remember right you could even put a different XAP at the same URL and it will take the previous one's isolated storage.

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