R – Silverlight RichTextBox Anchoring of Content


I'm trying to find out how to anchor all of the content in a RichTextBox control to a particular location, for example: horizontal = center and vertical = center. I can horizontally align paragraphs, but not all of the content in the control itself (which anchors at top/left by default). It appears, from the documentation that <VerticalContentAlignment> and <HorizonalContentAlignment> should be able to be used for this effect, but setting doesn't do anything to the content in the control.

Does anyone know if:

  • It is just plain impossible to anchor
    all content in a RichTextBox?
  • <VerticalContentAlignment> and
    <HorizonalContentAlignment> do
    indeed work, but I'm just not using
    them correctly and need to do
    something else?

Other controls do have this feature, for example the below works fine:

<Button  Width="73" Height="76" VerticalContentAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right">hello</Button>

Best Answer

Figured it out. Create a copy of the style and then in the ScrollViewer section, put this:

<ScrollViewer x:Name="ContentElement" BorderThickness="0" IsTabStop="False" HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}"/>
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