SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

Architecturesoaweb services

Call me a troll if you want, but I'm serious: how exactly is the new SOA trend any different than the client-service architecture that I was building 15 years ago? I keep hearing SOA but I don't see how it's different than what we've always done.

Back 10 years ago, my company had multiple clients (in multiple languages) which talked to the same service. It wasn't XML (it was a binary protocol called Microsoft DCOM) and there wasn't auto-discovery through WSDL but that's OK since reading the docs was just as easy. Our system was even "open" in the sense we documented it enough to allow 3rd parties to talk to our services. We were not pioneers – every other company I knew 10 years ago was doing the same thing.

The ONLY difference I see between then and now is that now there's a single service available on the internet, whereas 10 years ago, each customer would host his own instance of the service. But that's not an architecture issue – where the service physically lives is transparent to anyone using the service.

So what exactly is SOA that's different than what we've been doing for years? Is SOA simply a marketing term representing a best practice that actually became common a long long time ago? Or am I missing some subtely to SOA that's different than what we've been doing all along?

Best Answer

Forget about XML. Forget about WSDL. SOA is not a technology you can buy, though it's often marketed that way.

The real point of SOA is all about IT organization. The point of SOA is to avoid having a huge bunch of "applications" that have isolated data pools and either don't talk to each other at all (and thus often duplicate data), or only in an inefficient, buggy way through adapter layers or EAI systems.

For large companies, this is a serious problem - they have literally hundreds of separate apps that are insufficiently integrated. There's duplicate and inconsistent data everywhere and the result is that customers get pissed off and real money is lost because the billing department keeps sending invoices for a cancelled order and the customer service rep can't even find the order because it's cancelled in the order tracking system, but not the billing system.

SOA is supposed to solve this by designing every app from the ground up to publish its services in a standardized, cross-platfrom manner so that other apps can access the data and don't have to duplicate it.

From a business perspective, this is highly desirable. The buzzword hype and the acronym soup is just IT companies' attempts to cash in on that desirability. Unfortunately, this has (mis)led many people, including CEOs into believing that SOA is a product you can buy and it will magically make your IT more efficient, without realizing that this will only happen if you also reorganize your entire IT (and quite possibly your business units as well) to be SOA-compatible.

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