R – Source control products that support linked/shared files

cvssvntfsversion controlvisual-sourcesafe

We're interested in moving from a source control system that supports the concept of shared or linked files.

A shared file means: a file modified in one project, is automatically updated changed in every other project that uses that same file. It does this without a developer having to request it, reverse-integrate it, ask for it, or even want it.

We're trying to see if any other commonly used source-control systems can meet our needs, and include linked or shared files. My limited research shows that:

  • Team Foundation Server doesn't support sharing files
  • Subversion doesn't support sharing files (including Externals)
  • CVS doesn't support sharing files (including Modules)

Anything else? (besides our current source control product, obviously)


Best Answer

I've used Sourcegear's Fortress (an all-inclusive ALM - for just source control, check out their Vault product) for years with no complaints, and it supports Sharing. You can essentially branch a file from one project into another, and the second copy will be kept up to date with no additional interaction required.

The product is designed as a replacement for Sourcesafe, and since VSS supports shares, so does Vault. As an additional feature, they support "Pinning", which is where the recipient of the file link can set it at a particular version and not receive any additional updates, if that's what they want. If they don't pin the file, they'll continue to use the newest version, but the option to pin at any point is there if they want it.