R – SQL Server Reporting Services: Limit Legend to One Series for Chart that has Multiple Series


I have a chart with these characteristics:

  • chart type is XY (scatter )

  • all XY data have x-values that are integers; they are called "Update Cycle" numbers. This represents "score" data from a given program.

  • in addition to the values that produce the XY data, I've added two other elements to the "Values:" list: one that is the average of the XY data for any Update Cycle (x-axis) value, and another that is the average of "similar programs" for any Update Cycle. These elements are plotted as lines ("trend lines") on the chart.

  • Category Group is Update Cycle number

  • Series Group are (1) PersonID and (2) ProgramID

It all plots fine, but here's my problem:

If I add a Legend, it wants to add Legend entries for each and every point for each and every person (because of SeriesGroup1) – I imagine it's also showing legend entries for the second series, but there are so many for the first series, I can't read anything.

Question: How do I supress legend entries for the first series and only display the two legend entries for the 2nd series?

Best Answer

I have the same problem, Is any solutions for the series text overlaping?, I found a solutions, but I cann't use, because divided the chart in various charts, by the way, heres is the link of the article:


If somebody have another solutions, pleace post it.

Thanks and sorry, my English is a little poor.

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