R – SSRS Report Page Orientation

reporting-servicesvisual studio

I am creating SSRS reports in Visual Studio but I cannot find out how to set the Page Orientation in my new report from Portrait to Landscape.

I would think this would be in the Report/Report Properties settings but it is not there?

How do I change the Page Orientation from Portrait to Landscape for my new report?

Best Answer

It depends.

Are you using SSRS 2005 or 2008?

For 2005: Right-click the white space area of the design surface, choose properties>Layout. Now switch the Page Width/Height values ([21 & 29.7] to [29.7 & 21]). Also, resize the design area to match the layout. i.e. pull the right edge to ~17cm and the bottom edge to about ~24.7cm (for portarit) or right edge to 24.7cm and bottom edge to 21cm (for landscape). For more see this article

For 2008: Right-click the white space area of the design surface, choose report properties>Page setup>choose landscape/Portrait.