Visual-studio – standard keyboard shortcut to build the current project in Visual Studio

keyboard shortcutsvisual studio

I know that Ctrl + Shift + B launches a solution build, but I would like a shortcut that just builds the current project. Is a custom shortcut my only option?

Edit: Looks like a custom shortcut is my only option as Shift + F6 does not work for me.

Best Answer

Assigning the shortcut to "Build.BuildOnlyProject" command doesn't seem to work in VS2008.

Assign the shortcut to "Build.BuildSelection". If you have a solution with several projects and files open from the various projects, whatever file you are currently editing will define the project that will be built when you use the assigned shortcut for "Build.BuildSelection".

You'll know the keyboard shortcut is working when you click the Build menu option and you see the keyboard shortcut on the menu itself.

btw - a restart/reboot is not required when assigning keyboard shortcuts.