Strcmp on a line read with fgets


I'm trying to compare two strings. One stored in a file, the other retrieved from the user (stdin).

Here is a sample program:

int main()
    char targetName[50];

    char aName[] = "bob";

    return 0;

In this program, strcmp returns a value of -1 when the input is "bob".
Why is this? I thought they should be equal. How can I get it so that they are?

Best Answer

strcmp is one of the few functions that has the reverse results of true and false...if the strings are equal, the result is 0, not 1 as you would think....

if (strcmp(a, b)) {
    /* Do something here as the strings are not equal */
} else {
    /* Strings are equal */

Speaking of fgets, there is a likelihood that there is a newline attached to the end of the need to get rid of it...


To get rid of the newline do this. CAVEATS: Do not use "strlen(aName) - 1", because a line returned by fgets may start with the NUL character - thus the index into the buffer becomes -1:

aName[strcspn(aName, "\n")] = '\0';


Now, strcmp should return 0...