R – Strongly typed links in ASP.NET MVC 2.0 beta


With ASP.NET MVC 1.0 I always have been able to generate strongly typed links in my Views using a lambda function:

Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<TController>(c => c.Action(arg));

I'm now upgrading to ASP.NET MVC 2.0 beta and I can't find any strongly typed extension for the HtmlHelper (nor the UrlHelper in fact). Have they been replaced by some other method? Is there a new way of building links to controller actions?

I'd hate to go back to using strings in my views.

Best Answer

The strongly-typed URL generation helpers are part of the MVC Futures binary, not the MVC core binary itself. You can download a version of MVC Futures that works with MVC 2 Beta from CodePlex.